
Last modified August 24, 2021

The KomalArt Info Privacy Policy describes how we treat personal information when you use KomalArt Info's products and services. KomalArt Info Payments is offered to KomalArt Info Account holders and your use of it is subject to the KomalArt Info Privacy Policy. In addition, this Privacy Notice describes KomalArt Info privacy practices that are specific to KomalArt Info Payments.

Your use of KomalArt Info Payments is governed by the KomalArt Info Payments Terms of Service, which describes in more detail the Services covered by this Privacy Notice. Capitalized terms not defined in this KomalArt Info Payments Privacy Notice shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the KomalArt Info Payments Terms of Service.

The KomalArt Info Payments Privacy Notice applies to Services offered by KomalArt Info LLC's wholly owned subsidiaries, including KomalArt Info Payment Corp. ("GPC"). Please consult the KomalArt Info Payments Terms of Service made available to you within the Service to learn the subsidiary offering the Service.

Information we collect

In addition to the information listed in the KomalArt Info Privacy Policy we may also collect the following:

Registration information - When you sign up for KomalArt Info Payments, you are creating a KomalArt Info Payments Account that is associated with your KomalArt Info Account. Depending on the KomalArt Info Payments services you use, in addition to the information listed in the KomalArt Info Privacy Policy, you may be asked to provide the following information: Credit or debit card number and card expiration date, bank account number and expiration date, address, phone number, date of birth, social security number or taxpayer identification number (or some other government-issued identification number), and for sellers or businesses specifically, your business category and certain information about your sales or transaction volume. In some cases, we may also ask you to send us additional information or to answer additional questions to help verify your information. Finally, if you register a Carrier or Operator Billing Account, we will ask you to provide us with certain information about your Carrier or Operator account.
Information obtained from third parties - We may obtain information about you from third parties, including third party verification services. This includes information arising from KomalArt Info Payments transactions at merchant locations, information regarding your use of payment methods and your accounts issued by third parties that are linked to the KomalArt Info Payments, the identity of your card issuer or financial institution, information regarding access to balances held in your KomalArt Info Payments Account, information from a Carrier or Operator in connection with Carrier or Operator Billing, and consumer reports, as the term "consumer reports" is defined by the US Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Also, for sellers, we may obtain information about you and your business from a credit bureau or a business information service.

Transaction information - When you use KomalArt Info Payments to conduct a transaction, we may collect information about the transaction, including: Date, time and amount of the transaction, the merchant's location and description, a description provided by the seller of the goods or services purchased, any photo you choose to associate with the transaction, the names and email addresses of the seller and buyer (or sender and recipient), the type of payment method used, your description of the reason for the transaction, and the offer associated with the transaction, if any.
Link to privacy policy of third party service providers used by the app


Google Play Services



Firebase Analytics


Log Data

We want to inform you that whenever you use our Service, in a case of an error in the app we collect data and information (through third party products) on your phone called Log Data. This Log Data may include information such as your device Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, device name, operating system version, the configuration of the app when utilizing our Service, the time and date of your use of the Service, and other statistics.

Service Providers

I may employ third-party companies and individuals due to the following reasons:

To facilitate our Service;

To provide the Service on our behalf;

To perform Service-related services; or

To assist us in analyzing how our Service is used.


I want to inform users of this Service that these third parties have access to your Personal Information. The reason is to perform the tasks assigned to them on our behalf. However, they are obligated not to disclose or use the information for any other purpose.


Google's advertising requirements can be summed up by Google's Advertising Principles. They are put in place to provide a positive experience for users. https://support.google.com/adwordspolicy/answer/1316548?hl=en

We use Google AdSense Advertising on our website.


Google, as a third-party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on our site. Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to our users based on previous visits to our site and other sites on the Internet. Users may opt-out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google Ad and Content Network privacy policy.

How we use the information we collect

In addition to the uses listed in the KomalArt Info Privacy Policy, we use the information you provide to us and to GPC or other of our subsidiaries, as well as information about you from third parties, in order to provide you with KomalArt Info Payments for customer service purposes, and to protect you from fraud, phishing or other misconduct. Such information may also be used to assist third parties in the provision of products or services that you request from them. We also use the information to review your KomalArt Info Payments Account to determine whether you continue to meet the terms of the account, to make decisions about your future KomalArt Info Payments transactions, and for other legitimate business needs related to the KomalArt Info Payments transactions initiated by you.

Your registration information is stored in association with your KomalArt Info Account and your registration of a payment method will be stored on KomalArt Info's servers. In addition, certain data elements may also be stored on your mobile device. We may retain the information you provide for extended periods of time for the purpose of complying with legal process and regulatory obligations.

Information we share

We will only share your personal information with other companies or individuals outside of KomalArt Info in the following circumstances:

As permitted under the KomalArt Info Privacy Policy.
As necessary to process your transaction and maintain your account.
To complete your registration for a service provided by a third party.
To inform a third party merchant, whose site or app you visit, whether you have a KomalArt Info Payments account that can be used for making payment to that merchant.
For example, when you make a purchase or transaction using KomalArt Info Payments, we make certain personal information about you available to the company or individual you purchase from or transact with. This includes sharing your personal information with the developer from whom you purchased when you use KomalArt Info Payments to make a purchase on KomalArt Info Play. When you add a third party form of payment to your KomalArt Info Payments Account, we may exchange certain personal information about you, such as your name, profile image, email, IP and billing address, phone number, device info, location, and KomalArt Info Account activity info, with the third party payment provider as necessary to provide the service.

When you visit a participating merchant site or app, the merchant can check whether you have a KomalArt Info Payments account with an eligible form of payment that can be used to pay the merchant, in order to reduce the likelihood that you will see unusable features on sites or apps.

Any information you provide directly to a third party merchant, website or application is not covered by this privacy notice. We are not responsible for the privacy or security practices of merchants or other third parties with whom you choose to share your personal information directly. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any third party to whom you choose to share your personal information directly.

The information that we collect, including information obtained from third parties, is shared with our affiliates, meaning other companies owned and controlled by KomalArt Info LLC. Our affiliates, which can be financial and non-financial entities, will use such information for their everyday business purposes.

We provide you with the right to opt out of certain sharing between GPC and its affiliates. Specifically, you may choose to opt out of:

Sharing between GPC and its affiliates of information about your creditworthiness for their everyday business purposes; and/or,
Our affiliates marketing their products or services to you based on your personal information that we collect and share with them. This information includes your account history with us.
You may also choose to opt out of KomalArt Info LLC or its affiliates informing a third party merchant, whose site or app you visit, whether you have a KomalArt Info Payments account that can be used for payment to that merchant.

If you choose to opt out, your choice will be effective until you tell us to change your choice.

If you don't want us to share personal information about your creditworthiness between GPC and its affiliates, or if you do not want our affiliates to use your personal information collected by us and shared with them to market to you, or if you do not want KomalArt Info LLC or its affiliates to inform a third party merchant, whose site or app you visit, whether you have a KomalArt Info Payments account that can be used for payment to that merchant, please indicate your preference by logging into your account, going to the KomalArt Info Payments privacy settings page, and updating your preferences.

We will not share your personal information with anyone outside of GPC or with our affiliates except as described in this privacy notice. As explained above, KomalArt Info Payments is a product offered to KomalArt Info Account holders. Data you provide to KomalArt Info LLC for the purpose of signing up for a KomalArt Info Account is not affected by the opt-out provisions in this notice.

Information security

For more information about our security practices, please see the main KomalArt Info Privacy Policy.

The security of your KomalArt Info Payments Account depends on you keeping your account password(s), PINs, and other access information for the Service confidential. If you share your account information with a third party, he or she will have access to your account and your personal information.

It is your responsibility to control access to your mobile device and the KomalArt Info Payments application on your device, including keeping your password(s) and/or PIN confidential and not sharing it with anyone. It is also your responsibility to alert KomalArt Info or the relevant partner if you believe that the security of the information in the KomalArt Info Payments application has been compromised.

If you have any problem please contact us on : komalpatel8645@gmail.com
